

Dayanand House

Color: Green

House Incharge: Ms. Kajal Saini

Slogan:Be a learner and productive

Vivekanad House

Color: Red

House Incharge: Ms. Simmi

Slogan:All power is within you

Tagore House

Color: Yellow

House Incharge: Ms. Neha Singla

Slogan:Be Truthful and respectful

Raman House

Color: Blue

House Incharge: Ms. Neeraj Saini

Slogan:Never give up, Great things take time

MRRA Kharindwa was established in 2017 with the moto of enlightening young minds by providing quality education. We believe in importing experiential knowledge by providing exposure to innovation, passion and learning. We create self awareness about one's potential and shape the artistic and analytical skills MATA RUKMANI RAI SCHOOL