
The school follows integrated and interlinked curriculum framed on the guidelines provided by the Central Board of Secondary Education. The curriculum is designed in such a way that learning is more of a fun than burden. Children learn in a variety of ways -- through experience of making and doing things, experimentation, reading, discussion, asking, listening, thinking, reflecting, and expressing oneself in speech or writing both individually and with others.

For all round development of children the school has been divided into four houses. By participating in the house activities, children can learn the spirit of sportsmanship and discipline. A teacher is make incharge of the house who with the help of other house teachers takes care of curricular activities throughout the year. Each house is on duty for one week to look after the discipline in the school. Various types of competitions like Declamation, Cultural programmes, Quiz, Debates, Elocutions, Drawing, Handicraft, Flower show etc. are organized.



As we required to follow the NCERT syllabus uniformity in the assessment structure, examination and issue of report cards from class I to VIII. The detail components of the scheme are mentioned below for easy understanding and implementation.

  • Work Education - Work Education refers to skill-based activities resulting in goods or services useful to the community

  • Art Education (Visual & Performing Art)

  • Health and Physical Education (Sports/Martial Arts/Yoga/NCC etc.)

MRRA Kharindwa was established in 2017 with the moto of enlightening young minds by providing quality education. We believe in importing experiential knowledge by providing exposure to innovation, passion and learning. We create self awareness about one's potential and shape the artistic and analytical skills MATA RUKMANI RAI SCHOOL