Competitive Achiever's


We are happy to announce that our students have given exemplary performance in the Music Competition organised by Bharat Vikas Parishad Shahabad.Thirty schools across the city participated and performed. Our school has bagged Consolation prize.

Secondly, our Junior students competed with High school students. Kudos to Rukmani -ites for this astounding and extraordinary performance.

Special commendation to able Mr.Gagan Sir and able guidance by Sir Karan -Music Composer and Dance Teacher Gulshan Rajput. It is a proud moment for Our organisation as Third position is bagged by MRR Shahabad and one more consolation prize is bagged by Arya Kanya School Shahabad

MRRA Kharindwa was established in 2017 with the moto of enlightening young minds by providing quality education. We believe in importing experiential knowledge by providing exposure to innovation, passion and learning. We create self awareness about one's potential and shape the artistic and analytical skills MATA RUKMANI RAI SCHOOL